Kids’ Flourish: Nursery
Kids’ Flourish: Nursery

Come be part of our Kids’ Flourish in nurturing the precious little ones of the church by loving, caring, and praying for infants during our 8:30 AM and 10:15 AM Sunday morning services. This opportunity is for women 16 years and older, requires a background check, and is for members only.

Kids’ Flourish: Helper (Ages 11-17)
Kids’ Flourish: Helper (Ages 11-17)

Come be part of our Kids’ Flourish in assisting teachers as they strive to pass on the truths of God’s word to the next generation of children (ages 2 years – 5th grade) during our 8:30 AM or 10:15 AM Sunday morning services. This opportunity requires a background check, and is for any member of the church who feels called to minister to the young children, or any youth aged 11+ seeking to follow Christ who has been baptized or has parents who are members of CCC.

2 hours per month

Kids’ Flourish: Teacher
Kids’ Flourish: Teacher

Come be part of our Kids’ Flourish as a teacher! Kids’ Flourish teachers strive to pass on the truths of God’s word to the next generation of children (ages 2 years – 5th grade) during our 8:30 AM or 10:15 AM Sunday morning services. This opportunity requires a background check, and is for any member of the church 18+ who feels called to minister to young children.

2 hours per month

Hygiene Kits
Hygiene Kits

When a person checks into Montana Rescue Mission, they are given some basic necessities. Our church has the opportunity to show Christ’s love to the homeless by providing hygiene kits. These kits contain items such as soap, toothpaste, toilet paper and a washcloth. We will be assembling 100 hygiene kits, but we need your help to collect the hygiene items. These need to fit into a gallon-sized bag, so travel sized to regular sized items work best. You may drop off your hygiene items at the church anytime.

We need 100 each:

Toilet paper, shampoo, lotion, Q-Tips, combs, washcloths, bars of soap, razors, toothpaste and toothbrushes, and deodorant.

Growth Group Host Home
Growth Group Host Home

Growth groups are one of Cornerstone’s five key discipleship spaces and one of the best ways to run the race with other believers in the body. This fall, we have a number of growth group leaders but are still looking for host homes. If you have the gift of hospitality, this is a great way to show the love of Christ every other week by opening up your home from September-May.

4 hours a month

2 host homes needed

Groundskeeping Crew
Groundskeeping Crew

The Lord has blessed Cornerstone with a beautiful place to worship. Maintaining our outside areas during the summer is a big job that we could use some help with. If you enjoy pulling weeds, raking, moving rocks, or caring for our plants and flowers, this is for you. When and how long you serve is flexible. This opportunity is for individuals 12 years and older.

1-4 hours a month

Cleaning Crew
Cleaning Crew

Throughout the week, our building is a space for people to meet together for worship, discipleship, and instruction. Our goal is to provide a clean and well-maintained space to welcome those who enter our doors. If you would enjoy serving our body by mopping floors, dusting surfaces, or cleaning restrooms, we would love to have your help. This once-per-week opportunity is for individuals 12 and older. 

4 hours a month

Security Team
Security Team

The goal of the Security Team is to protect others by responding to any emergencies or disturbances in an effective and God-honoring way. This includes patrolling the premises during church activities as well as assisting with routine activities (e.g. children transitioning from the sanctuary to the gym.) Church membership and a background check are required.

2 hours per month

Usher Team
Usher Team

At Cornerstone, ushers are available to answer visitors’ questions and extend extra help in seating those who need assistance. During the church services, they take up the church offering and assure that it is handled properly once it has been collected. Ushers also serve the Lord’s Supper on Sundays.

Ushers may serve every week, but are not required to do so. You will have the opportunity to choose which worship service works best for you. Church membership is required.

Meal Train
Meal Train

Come help us care for our church body! We’re organizing a team of people to provide meals after a birth, surgery, or during an illness. Use your own culinary skills, or order a meal to be delivered from a restaurant. This opportunity is open to anyone.